Welcome to Peeps

Earning currency

Piko is the main currency in Peeps and can be earned while watching Twitch streamers who are hosting Peeps. The two main ways of earning Piko are engaging with the streamer (sending messages) and playing the Peeps mini-games that appear in chat.

Customising your Peep

Not only are there various features you can customise on your Peep, there is a huge and constantly expanding set of items you can acquire to really make your Peep your own! Check out the command list below to learn how!



Command Description Cost
!piko See how much Piko you have Free

Buy Items

Command Description Cost
!buy hair Buy new random hair style 500
!buy eyebrows Buy new random eyebrow style 500
!buy facialhair Buy new random facial hair style 500
!buy facialfeatures Buy new random facial features style 500
!buy top Buy new random top item 500
!buy legs Buy new random leg item 500
!buy feet Buy new random feet item 500
!buy head Buy new random head item 500
!buy weapon Buy new random weapon 500
!buy face Buy new random face item 500
!buy back Buy new random back item 500
!buy neck Buy new random neck item 500
!buy wrist Buy new random wrist item 500
!buy secondary Buy new random secondary weapon 500


Command Description Cost
!dye hair Dye hair new random colour 100
!dye eyes Dye eyes new random colour 100
!dye skin Dye skin new random colour 100